
Gyro stabilized camera platform

I have a GY401 gyro and want to make a camera mount that is stabilized on the roll axis only, such as the one on Chris' Predator.What I would like to do is to make this a 'stand-alone' system (with its own battery) that has no connection to the airplane's receiver. Basically, I just want to be able to level the plane, turn it on with a switch, have it do its thing during the photo mission, and then turn it off after landing. Is this possible, and if so how does the wiring work when bypassing the receiver?

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  • by the way.. i love your book. the long tail. its great!
  • hi chris. i'm a student from singapore. i'm currently working on a gyro stabilized camera platoform using the IDG 300 and ADXRS 300 gyros.. i'm using arduino as a platform.. however i am having problems getting a regular PWM signal for my 3 servos.. my timer 1 is used up by the RC receiver and the timer0 8 bit timer has too low resolution... using delay function in arduino causes the servo to be jerky... do you have any experiences on this ?
  • T3
    Arrgh, thanks Chris, but I had not seen the updated post with the new info.

    Okay, I backordered the Futaba pilot assist gizmo from Tower. Backordered but available soon, and there is no great rush.
  • 3D Robotics
    As noted in that post, gyro stabilized camera platforms don't work for long because of gyro drift. That's why I switched to a IR stabilized platform, which doesn't have a drift problem. As that post notes, it uses its own IR unit and servo and is just connected to your receiver's channel five or six and turned on or off at will. What would the advantage be of disconnecting it from the receiver? (it can be done, it's just not clear to me why you'd want that)
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