Open source fixed wing UAV code in the works

Just a heads up that a friend and myself (I had the ideas, he is laying down code rapidly) are working on an open source UAV platform for fixed wing aircraft.The details:- Written in C, compiles under Linux and will most likely be tested under NetBSD as well. Light on the dependencies!- Target hardware platform is the Gumstix and Technologic Systems boards- Written completely modular, for easy addition of future modules for input & output- Command line interface (both secure and insecure) for remote access (via 802.11x, ISM band RS232, cellular, etc).- Initial input modules will include Sparkofun IMU via RS232, GPS NMEA via RS232, others T.B.A.- Initial output modules will include MiniSSC servo controller output via RS232, network data relay, others T.B.A.- Text based configuration file, not XML- Text based flight scripting language, with provisions for calling mission activities from the script.Design goals are to be able to be extended easily for other devices, clean code without a crap ton of dependencies, and provisions for sending the flight data over data links to drive operator consoles.Current status: GPS module works, command line interface works, parsing of flight plan I believe is working, and config file is working. We will start work on the sparkofun IMU input module (should be easy) and MiniSSC output module (should be easy), then comes the flight logic (gulp).We plan to fly two computers, one for flight and the other for mission stuff... with a cellular (EVDO or GPRS) link, and then 802.11n for video, mpeg4 compressed.This is a 757 Labs production.

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  • 3D Robotics
    Sounds great. Pls keep us updated on your progress and, needless to say, open source your code!
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