quadcopter help

Drone componentsHello, I am building my first quad copter and wondered if anyone could recommend any specific motors and ESC for my project? I have a may pay load of around 2Kg. I am also looking for a microprocessor and gyroscope which would be suitable for the control of the stability. If anyone has built a quadcopter in the past I would be grateful of there help.ThanksRyan

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  • Hi Ryan
    I am sorry about the website, it is rctoys.com. If you are interested to buy at rctoys.com do not buy the remote control. It is expensive,
    buy only the airframe which come along with motors. U can later incorporate ur electronics and control systems on that.
    U can use Li-po battery packs as they have a good charge to weight ratio.
  • Hi Ryan
    U can get the airframe at RCtoys .com quadcopters are available, They include carbon
    fiber body and struts and come with brushed DC motors, U can also google it as Draganfly.
    About the microcontroller u can see freescale semiconductor's MCU MC9S08QE128 or
    Gyro can be obtained from SGS thomson that is http://www.st.com/stonline/products/families/sensors/gyroscopes.htm.
  • You should look at the resources provided in your previous thread - there is a large amount of building experience offered by those projects. I will note that you should plan on a budget of at least 100% excess thrust capacity for airframe + payload, as motors lose efficiency at the high end of their loading, so I'm guessing that you may need as much as 8kg total thrust to efficiently carry 2kg. You probably need motors in the range of 300-400 watts each, requiring 35-50 amp ESC's and a really large battery pack. Hopefully, you have a substantial budget if you plan to seriously pursue this.
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