New to UAVs

HiI'm currently working on a project in my free time. I want to build a UAV which can:1. Fly by radio control (*obvious*)2. Send back camera and UAV signals (Plus IR if possible)3. Fly through predesignated waypoints4. Have the waypoints updated during flight from the groundI want the final price to be under £1,000. (I'm guessing around $2,000)How much weight can a normal UAV (e.g. 0.65m to 1m wingspan)??? I thought about mounting a really small sompute rmotherboard with laptop PSU and wireless card in one (Pico-ITX motherboards are 7cm by 12cm - 3 by 4 and a bit inches *I think*)Also, how long can they stay in the air for - I'm looking for around 20-25-30 mins. Also, the UAV has to look cool.I saw the Procerus sight where they can make their UAVs land on moving targets, which is AWESOME, until you look at the price. Could I write some software and get the motherboard/CPU that I want to mount in the UAV to control the UAV. I can write C ok (ish).Thanks

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  • 3D Robotics

    You might want to look around this site some more. What you're looking for is what we do. Start with this one, which will give you a sense of how it's done.
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