Lots is going on at the RCAPA Reporter regarding both the Hobbiest as well as the Professional UAS AP community. Visit and see the latest reports from the UAS2008 meetings in Paris, or the AUVSI meetings in San Diego where Patrick Egan and Ira Buckley are in attendance, both representing RCAPA, its members, and the UAS AP community at large. The RCAPA Reporter is free, available to anyone with an interest in the news and information, and requires NO membership to visit and view its contents. Things change daily, news is released when received, and your comments, questions, and suggestions are ALWAYS welcomed there via the various feedback areas or email links. Check it out TODAY!!!!Joe BennettEditor in Chief - RCAPA Reporter

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  • Just received release permission and have placed online the RCAPA UAS NAS Integration Proposed Guidelines at the Reporter. Check it out in the Current Stories area if interested. These Guidelines were presented at the recent FAA ARC, UAS2008, and the AUVSI meetings and were met with very favorable responses. Thanks all....

    Joe Bennett
    Editor in Chief - RCAPA Reporter
  • Just received and released the UAS2008 Power Point Presentation as given by Patrick Egan at the Paris show. He says it was very well received by the attendees. It is a fairly large file, around 3.5megs in size. Setup as a PP Slide Show. It is located at the Reporter in the Current Stories area. Thanks folks....

  • 3D Robotics

    First of all the comments are not closed in this thread (although they may be if the tone continues to decline into acrimony).

    Second, although I didn't delete any of the comments, one of my co-moderators did because an individual was personally attacked and their personal RCAPA details (and member number) were disclosed, which is very bad behavior. The person who posted those details will be warned about this.

    Third, I'd like to see discussions about policy and regulation take an altogether more civil tone here. Intelligent people can disagree on these issues, and we all come from different perspectives. The only thing I insist on here is everyone is respectful and tolerant of those different perspectives.

  • Chris,

    Why was this discussion closed, and why were comments deleted from it? I was only responding to others comments, and my comments were nothing but helpful in the context of the discussion. Why does it seem that ANYTHING that relates to RCAPA is receiving censorship? This is not the American way Chris, and reflects poorly on this group when it occurs here. Please do feel free to contact me directly if you wish, but also consider how closing a discussion thread appears to all others as well. Thanks....

    Joe Bennett
    Editor in Chief - RCAPA Reporter
  • 100KM
    suggestion #1:
    represent autonomous interests .
This reply was deleted.


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