SCP1000 pressure and temp sensor

HI!New to the group, so thought I'd say Hi, and I also have a problem....I'm trying to get my Arduino to talk to a VTI SCP1000 sensor using SPI. I've got the SPI down OK, but the data I'm getting from the sensor for the temp reading is weird. Below 25C it comes out as 2s compliment for "very cold" (max negative value of the sensor). Above 25C it shows the correct reading. Has anyone ever seen this before?Thanks!Jules.

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  • i am actually going to try and get the same board. I'll take a look at it and the data sheet. Care to send me your written code?
  • 3D Robotics
    Odd. There's sample code here.

    When you sort it out, can you tell us how you did it? We're planning to use that sensor for the next version of Ardupilot...

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