Camera Resolution?

I have two sony SuperHASS CCD that basically does 640x480 out of an NTSC. This was to be used for FPV and panoramic views with realtime live video feeds and recording (the panoramic view has a huge lens attached to it. I have been reading and i wanted to know if anyone knows where to get a better resolution CCD or CMOS sensor that is pretty much ready to go, or if this is good enough. Thanks!

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  • The max resolution available with NTSC encoding is 704 x 485 (e.g. 480i). To get to a higher resolution video, you need to change to digital encoding (eg 720p, 1080i, 1080p). Your Sony sensors probably represent the best quality you will find with NTSC.

    If you decide to consider digital encoding, bear in mind that equivalent resolution to NTSC will require 3-5 megabits/second, with higher resolutions requiring on the order of 10-20Mbps. You might be able to get 5Mbps from an 802.11g connection if the channels are relatively clear, but higher reliable throughput will be a challenge. That's why most airborne video systems you see are still analog, and why digital video systems tend to be employed at lower resolution.
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Jun 21