Sensor Suggestions

so i think i'm finally to the point where i can actually try to put together an imu. i'm using a parallax propeller to make it. i plan on using one of these guys to build it on. i'm looking for suggestions as to what sensors i should use to make a 6 DOF imu. i don't want to add on gps or anything else yet that's not necessary though. just the imu what do you guys think?

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  • it's the same price to get the two sensors that are on the 5DoF imu separately so i think i might do that. then i guess i'll get the Gyro Breakout Board - ADXRS300 - 300 degree/sec to measure yaw. it's description says it's made to measure yaw so i won't have to do any kind of right angle mounting with it which is pretty cool.

    another tri-axis accelerometer i was lookin at is the Hitachi H48C Tri-Axis Accelerometer Module . it's $5 more but it has analog to digital conversion on the board already. are there any downsides to not have the option to directly read the voltage output? i kinda like that it does the conversion already.

    besides the headers to connect these, is there any thing else i need?
  • i kinda wanted to get the sensors individually in case i ever decided to replace a specifc one though. do you think i'd be a lot better off buying a "package"?

    also, i really wanted 6DoF. i'm not too worried about the cost although i don't wanna spend anything extraordinary (~$300) if possible.
  • 3D Robotics
    If you want to start with something cheap ($110) and functional, the Sparkfun 5DoF board is easy to use. Not the highest res, but it's a third of the price of the 6DoFs.
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