GPS FV-M8 good for UAV (quadrotor) or not?

Hello everybody to this fine forum and sorry for my bad english.I have bought the above Sanav GPS module for my UAV quadrotor project, but i noticed that when i moved 5-10 meters horizontaly nothing changed at the lat/long/altitude indications. This test made in clear sky with 8-9 sattelites, 3D fix, and good signal.While i was going with my car the indications was running. This is very bad for UAV application.Has anyone tested the above receiver (or even Etek EB-85A)?If this receiver is not ok have you to suggest me any GPS that when you move 1 meter to show that you have moved 1 meter horizontal or/and vertical (even inaccurate), like my old Carcomm bluetooth GPS receiver which was instantly (atfer 1 second change the indications even if i was moving for centimeters). EM-406 maybe?Before i bought it i had read the best words for this module on internet (fast 5Hz, accurate, sensitive) and now i m dissapointed...Please help me , this is my second GPS module after GPS-41M which was not working.

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  • Perhaps one of these would work better?

    Havent used it, but it claims 5Hz and <2.5m accuracy.

    I would like to find a gps with a good deal of relative accuracy.
  • hi, can any one please provide me the circuit diagram for a quad rotor...
  • hi there... Can you email to me MiniGPS 1.41. Since I'm currently use version 1.32 which doesn;t have capability save the data in FLASH...

    Please send to

    Thanks and regards.
  • Well, just informed by Sanav that the receiver is not operating well at all at 5Hz at speeds lower than 7km/h . So we have to set it up at 1Hz !!! So if you need to just hover and retain possition of a heli you must forget 5Hz. For airplane these specifications are not a problem cause it is moving all the time (of course >7km/h).
    I still dont know what is happening when you are moving slowly only at vertical direction.

    Please give me your experimental results if you have.
    I m keeping testing the module and i ll come back when i have more results
  • ahh....i had just ordered 2 FV-M8 gps modules...
    Hmm, in overall, comments for the FV-M8 (formerly known as EB-85A) are positive.

    fyi, the default setting of it is 1Hz, and you need to change it to 5Hz everytime u powered it up unless u have a backup batt or a microC to do the job.
    Look Here for more info.
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