Waterborne, so not a UAV exactly

HI all.Yes I realise that this is not quite a UAV (a UWV maybe?)I am amidst a project to design a guidance system for an unmanned boat.The boat must be able to maintain a accuracy of 50 metres of deviation over a straight run of 1500 m in the sea. The guidance must be able to correct deviations from waves, currents etc.In many ways the control system I am designing is similar to those used by a uav (simpler in many ways).The first prototype made used a PIC16f877a microcontroller with an i2c digital compass, it used a timer to achieve the duration of the run (its not so much the exact length of the run that I am concerned with, rather the deviation from the original course).The problems with this prototype were unfortunately inherrent with the deisgn path I took, the major problems being problems with tilt perverting the compass heading and heading being unsuitable for guidance alone of this sort of project.The design brief for this 'boat' is that you must be able to 'point' it in a particular direction and then the boat must set off maintaining this heading to the final point (1500m in this direction).I have bought an EM406 gps and a 3 axis accellerometer to use in the next prototype.Hopefully I will be able to use the compass to aquire a heading from the start point, then use the gps to get the start lat and long and then use these to calculate the end point 1500m in the direction of the heading, then of course start out in this direction.Can anybody give me any pointers about the use of gps for guidance of autonomous vehicles.ThanksBruce

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  • 3D Robotics

    Your questions--"Can anybody give me any pointers about the use of gps for guidance of autonomous vehicles"-- is a bit too general, since you've just described the focus of this entire site and its thousands of posts. But if you're interested in a primer on waypoint math, you could start here.
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    This website is for sale! uavs.net is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what y…
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