
could someone tell me the working of a propeller in a there a fixed direction in which it rotates (such as clockwise or anti-clockwise)?could we use a propellar to create power and then save it in a battery of a plane?am also looking at alternate forms of energy for flying a UAV.could someone enlighten me on this?

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  • i am kind of curious how you would use a propellor to "create" power. If you mean using the airspeed to rotate the prop like a windmill, there is almost no way that you will be happy with the results. Air, being a liquid creates a constant frictional force we call drag. Although this drag would rotate the prop, it would also slow the plane into a stall. It would then, usually, take more energy to get the plane back up to speed, with the exception being a helpful gust of wind. beyond that, windmills work based on the principal that the force the wind generates is concentrated on the blades of the props, while the base is static, solved by embedding them into the earth. In the sky, the plane is an object that moves within a liquid. Any force will be exerted on the whole plane, not just the blades of the propeller

    Try solar, which if you have your UAV small enough and the wind is down, and the wing loading is low, you can actually make a solar glider that works great if you use the right cells. Hydrogen is still up and coming, but there are kits. I don't know if anything else is really feasible for mid air energy other than a refueling station lol. i mean, you could create a giant UAV with a frensnel and water and have it fly in the stratoshpere...make it steam powered...hmmm....

    If you want a plane that will fly forever, you want to go nuclear. Yup. U-238 that sucker.
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