progress on my project

Hello everyone. It's been a month or more since my last post. Rather than modifying an off the shelf airframe for my dissertation aerial photography work, I decided to scratch build an airframe. RP Flight Systems was kind enough to let me visit their facilities and this flying wing is based upon their commercial design. wingspan is approximately 52 inches.Now for some questions. I am preparing to shop for the electronics (transmitter, receiver, motor, etc...) any advice on what to look for and what to avoid?Also, the design I based this on did not have any type of rudder control. I was thinking about trying to implement that in my design. I know the B2 uses a drag type rudder on the horizontal axis that opens sort of like a clam shell. That seems a bit to complicated for my skills. I was thinking about doing a drag rudder on the vertical wingtip stabilizers. Any thoughts on that?Thanks!

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