EM-406a GPS Module damaged???

Is it possible to damage the em-406a module with the serial connection??It worked finde under the NMEA data format.I included the ardupilot GPS code in my projekt to configure and read the module.Now everything is dead! No status LED, nothing.It is sometimes sending "something" over serial, but i cant find out what it is.I will post this stuff later today....Shouldn't the module fall back to NMEA-mode after a reset??Is there a way to damage it over serial???thxMatthiasP.S.: i am not blaming the ardu-pilot code for that!

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  • Developer
    Hello Matthias:

    No the GPS is not damage, and is normal the led do not blink when you enter into binary protocol (or using ardupilot librarys).

    Just be sure of reset the arduino after you plug the GPS, in that way arduino will set up the desired binary protocol settings, when you disconnect the GPS it switches back to the standard binary protocol, sending bytes we don't need.

    A something else, try to disconnect the gps RX pin from the TX pin of arduino, and then open the serial terminal.. You should the data...

    And is sending something at 57600 and are raw bytes, no ASCII...

    The only why to back again to NMEA sentences is using the Sirf interface software... I will post it here for you, just let me back home =).

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