RC Blimp for Test - Fleet of Autonomous Blimps

Hello Community. We are proceeding with the project outlined in this post:http://diydrones.com/forum/topic/show?id=705844%3ATopic%3A45450I need to make a test in our installation space with a commercially available RC Blimp to gauge air currents, visual impact in the space, etc. I am considering ordering this model for testing:http://www.rctoys.com/rc-toys-and-parts/MACH-3Z-TURBO/RC-BLIMPS-MACH-III.htmlIs there a better readily available model? I would like to keep it under $100 if possible.Also, any recommendations for helium supply in Market Street area of SF?Thanks,D. SeeleyElectroland

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  • Great - I ordered the microflight model for our test. Thanks for the advice! I will report back with findings.
  • Thanks for the advice, however in this case I am just making a one-time test. I need a small blimp to fly around the space to gauge air currents in areas that I can't physically access. The eventual solution will be much larger and have thrust vectoring.
  • 3D Robotics
    I agree with Howard. The toy blimps that don't have vectoring are unable to maintain altitude unless they're precisely ballasted, and that can change from hour to hour. They also use huge amounts of power just trying to fight upward and downward momentum.

    I know of no commercially available vectoring blimps under $100 out now, but our kit (which will be under $100) will probably be available by the end of the year. If you want to make your own with our boards and code in the meantime, it certainly works but I would recommend that you have someone handy with a soldering iron on your team ;-)
  • I'd recommend against a system that doesn't have thrust vectoring. Maybe Chris' BlimpDuino will be available in your timeframe, else look at http://www.rcguys.com/66blimp.html. It's beyond your $100 budget, but it isn't a toy.

    Regarding helium, you can purchase 19cu ft disposable tanks from party supply stores or Target for around $40, or you can look for a welding supply shop such as AirGas or Praxair who will rent you a 60+cu ft tank - you should be able to find this in the industrial section of town. Refills cost around $50 and the tank + valve cost is around $150.
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