760uS Rudder Servo Support

Hey guys, 

I've seen the question asked several times over the years, about whether or not Arducopter could support high speed 760uS rudder servos.  I remember trying to help somebody with it a couple years ago, and at that time it seemed not possible.  But I've never had one of these servos to play with, so I never spent a lot of time on the issue.

Well, I recently got a Goblin 380 and accidentally bought a high speed rudder servo.  So, I finally have looked at the situation, and found out that it's already possible to use these.  I'm not sure if something changed to allow this, I looked but can't find anything.

Anyway, usage is quite simple.  Simply set HS4_Min, HS4_Max and HS4_Trim to suitable values (600, 900 and 760 respectively to start with), and that's it.  Adjust the endpoints and trim as necessary.  But it basically "just works".  I checked the PWM output on a scope and it's fine.  There's really nothing else to do.  This does not actually set the frequency to 333Hz, but I don't believe that really matters anyway, just marketing. I will look into that however.  This BK DS-5005HV servo seems to run fine on 125Hz.


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