I'm a newbie in the antenna tracking, and I have a few question about this function in the Planner.
1. It seems I must point the antenna to the north before I fly, am I right?
2. Are the travels of servos adjusted using the "PWM range" box? How can I check whether the ranges are correct? I mean, can I drive the servos to their limits by clicking some buttons?
are you using a masetro, i have tested with one alot, ardutrack has limited testing.
i will upload a guide tonight, i wrote the other day.
1. use the pan trim to point in another direction.
2. pwm range is the range of pwm you want the servo to move. ie 1000 = 1000 to 2000 pwm, mid point is always 1500 pwm. i asume you know the min/max of the servo already. even at 1000 to 2000, so long as you set the angle range correctly it will function fine.