A few questions for the arduino

Well i bought an ardupilot main board about a month ago. And i have been fooling around with it for a while now. I am trying to get the ardupilot to give my r/c crawler throttle and steering comands and i know that the stock code was written for a plane. But i was wondering if you have any resources that could help me in my quest. In the past couple of days, i have been fooling around with your code and tweaking it to try and get some kind of response from my vehicle and i cant get anything. i tried compiling the new firmware and i get an error that says 'data_update_event' was not declared in this scope In function'void stabilization()':any clue what this is?

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  • 3D Robotics
    Use 2.4 and turn on "walkaround" mode. It accomplishes the same as V1, which we don't support anymore.
  • 3D Robotics
    What version are you compiling?

    You need to follow the directions very carefully. If the files aren't unpacked to the right folder or if you open the wrong file, it won't compile.
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