A little conflicted about hexa motor config

There's a ton of info available throughout the DIYDRONES site, albiet scattered all over.

I'm butilding a hex "X" configuration around an F550 frame. There's are two different references on the site concerning motor configuration for motor outputs for hex's. One shows outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and another shows using outputs 7 & 8 oppesed to 5 & 6. I think from what I can glean the 7 & 8 output config is what I should use. Can anyone help me here. Thanks so much in advance.

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  • I'm not sure how you are getting confused, as the markings on those pages is VERY clear.

    APM1.0 the red and blue board stack with oilpan revision H (AKA tthe blue board) is the page that says SKIP 5,6 and use 7,8


    APM2.0, the purple board  and uses 1-6 normally for hex.



    Again, let's follow the basic menu system here. So at the top of this page, there is the word "arducopter" and under that menu is "arducopter manual"

    Then, when you get to that wiki

    You see "Instructions for Multrotor UAVs" below that is  the + sign and Arducopter2 -- Multicopter (Qaud, Tri, Hex, etc)

    CLick on the PLUS sign and the menu opens to the main title also with plusses beside them.

    Hit the plus next to "assembly"

    Now another menu happens

    Hit the plus nest to "Special instructions for airframes other than quads: hexa, octa, tri, etc

    Another menu occurs with APM1 or APM2

    Sorry, I'm trying to get you the right path which is painfully obvious if you were following the instructions step by step.

    Please bookmark that and follow that menu system through the major steps and save yourself some future headaches.

    Step 1 build it

    Step 2 configure it

    and so on doing the apprpriate submenu items based on your airframe and whihc APM you have.


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