A little confused....

Ok so today i got my ArduIMU and GPS in the mail, yay. However I am a little confused because i am bran new to this. does the ArduIMU replace Ardupilot or is it an add on to it? Does anyone have a picture of there setup with the IMU built because I am not sure what all the holes are for i only know where the programing cable and gyro/accelerometers go.Thanks.

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  • Hello,,Iam new in this forum and i have a problem with IMU for generating pitch angle ,
    I am using the Y-Gyro for short range BUT i must make another sensor (accelometre ) along with Y-Gyro for long range correction using adaptive filtring tecq- ,,which accelometre should i pick for this problem,,I am thinking of the X-accelometre but it will be effected by the UAV motion,,so iam thinking of using Z-accolmeter ??? so please help me on this and thanks in advance
  • 3D Robotics

    ArduIMU actually has nothing to do with Ardupilot. It's just an IMU and is only useful as a sensor package to go with some other device. Were you looking for a full autopilot?

    We'll be releasing proper documentation for ArduIMU soon, but in the mean time, just use the photos as a reference guide for the soldering (it's fiddly, so take your time!). Use the supplied right-angle connectors, but you'll have to trim them after soldering and remove the plastic pieces after you've soldered them to one piece (the plastic is just use to hold them in place until they're soldered)
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