A manned copter is being constructed.

The construction of the manned Copter FlyingBike continues.


The FlyingBike will be a double copter with a take-off weight of 460 kg, with a payload of 190 kg, a twin-engine (with internal combustion engines), four electronically controlled variable pitch propellers, an electronic flight stabilization system and a parachute rescue system designed for full takeoff weight.


The main advantages of this project are:

- perfect ease of control, which does not require long training and is available to almost everyone (who, for example, can manage a radio-controlled drones);

- significant autonomy, flight range of about 300 km.


Details are on the FlyingBike project website


and the


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  • A short "report" on what was done


  • Thank you!

  • Wish you the best. keep us posted.

  • OK!

    Everyone has the right to their opinion!
    I shared mine. But I do not impose.

  • I would not attempt to analyze your design because it is a lot of work to understand how you have arrived at your design. It's a useless debate at this point in my mind.

    When the fat lady sings and it flies, then we should look at your design.

    The reason I pointed out three videos was not to do a design comparison but more to show you what you are trying to do is not the first time. People have already designed it but the question remains why these products are not commercially available? You will argue flight time, however, there is a company who has done gasoline engine as well. It's not public knowledge yet.

    I am an academically trained engineer here is what I have learned about Engineers :)

    A good concept doesn't mean it has a market. Always first understand if a new concept has a market? is it profitable? do you have enough funds or can you raise the funds to develop your product?

    Once you refine the business case next is to design a new product around that new concept, else ist just a hobby. Just my 2 cents.

    I hope you get my point.

  • "...Hmm- funding was the problem you should have solved before embarking on this new venture..." - great advice! Thank you! I will certainly use it someday!

    And as for the video you showed, I saw these videos. As well as many others. And I want to say - very carefully analyzed them.

    If in brief:

    the first video was filmed internally. But the pratic value of this apparatus is zero. The flight time is 5-10 minutes. And then change the battery pack or charge for several hours? And who needs it? And I think I'll think like a car!
    The prospect of improvement is not. While they will create really CAPABLE and LIGHT batteries, such devices are a waste of money!

    second video. The same problems! Fly - and CAREFULLY look at the scoreboard - how many seconds have you left to fly! :-(

    Now all users of drones know - there is a vicious circle - you increase the capacity of batteries - their weight increases - the energy consumption of motors increases - the total flight time practically does not change!
    That is, with modern batteries, there is NO opportunity to improve the performance!

    So now - the real way - gasoline engines!

    The third video is a dangerous toy for equilibrists! VERY dangerous! Trying to control an aircraft by changing the position of the center of gravity is the right way to go to the grave!

    However. Once again I advise you to look at my site - https://flying-bike2018.com/home/ - I analyzed there and very much described the worthiness and disadvantages of different designs.

  • I was thrown out of the heaven for flying drone above 400 ft!!.................that's whole different story :)

    Hmm- funding was the problem you should have solved before embarking on this new venture.

    have you seen this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7yBWfqHjDQ 

    and this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bxTypl0sOY

    Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BFBdt2bcA8

  • It's clear!!! :-)

    With all my enthusiasm, I'm not crazy enough to immediately climb into the pilot's seat! :-) I want to go to heaven, but it's better not as a soul, but as a whole, on my flying motorcycle! :-)

    Of course, at first there will be flights with a weighted mannequin. Since the adjustment and adjustment of control systems takes time.

    Since I have problems with project financing, I do it in a simplified version - one motor while instead of two, there is no duplication of control channels, there is no parachute rescue system.



    That's why I'm asking for help on the IndieGoGo website!

    And according to the results of tests of this prototype, changes and clarifications will be made!

  • Ok may I interrupt a great conversation between you two? :)

    Regardless, Igor - When you are ready to test this vehicle, I would strongly recommend that you use some crash test dummies first of human weight and remotely control it till you figure out if your calculations were correct or not.

    As you said, we are not in the 20's right? so there is no reason to put a live human being inside this new invention till you feel its safe to sit inside it. if it crashes the first time, who is going to do further testing and design modifications? :) I hope you catch my drift here. Thanks and keep us all posted on the development. 

  • What can I say?

    On the one hand, you are right. On the other - and the other option is NO AT ALL!

    Since in addition to using a variable pitch propeller with electronic control - there is no other!
    Well again, on one side, what is there to break? And on the other - it's only about money! About what I already said. When we collect the money for the end of the project for IndieGoGo - I can put a servo of a professional class. And, if necessary, duplicate them.

    So - I do not see the problem at all! The methods for solving these issues (reliability and duplication) are known to me.

    The problem is only in money!

This reply was deleted.


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