About APM 2.5 & DX8 & Trex700E connections

Hi Guys,

I need some help about connections among APm 2.5,AR8000 receiver and t-rex 700E. I tried some different connections but I cant find correct way.

my connections is;

Input1 : Aileron                                 Output1: LeftServo(Ail)

Input2 : Elevator                               Output2: Elevator  

Input3: Throttle                                 Output3: Pitch(Rgiht Servo)

Input4 : Rudder                                Output4: Rudder

Additionally I got 5V power for input and output seperately by plugging 5V battery to Input7 and output 7.

Those connections were well when I tested it with mission planner. All commands are taken care of by APM. But when I connect it to Trex700, servos dont act as they should do. So I am not good at DX8 so maybe it needs some differents settings.

Any idea?

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  • Emre
    Troubleshoot the channels in MP to make sure you are feeding correctly.
    If they are correct then you might have a problem similar to this one.

    • Thanks Ray, I tried some combination and find the right one for now.

  • Sorry Emre, I can't help you with this as I do not understand Spektrum's system.  They employ some strange inflexible and seemingly undocumented channel layout.

    • Thanks Rob, I solved problem. It just works well now.

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