acceleration engine cause unscrewing propeller


I have a quadri copter , in according to istruction for build I assembly the propeller with engine :

2-engine and propeller rotate at CW with appropriate propeller direction


2-engine and propeller rotate at CCW with appropriate propeller direction

The engine have a support to connect the engine with the propeller , It's a screw with a Nut. The problem is when the motor rotates in CCW the support has a nut to CW but when the another 2 motors rotate in CW the support of connect propeller has a nut to CW and in many acceleration of engine the nut screw off !!


How resolve this problem?


PS: The engine are turnigy D3530/14


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  • Another good thing I use is nuts with nylon thread, wich resist vibrations very well.

  • loctite

  • Moderator

    Tighten it better. Or get better prop adaptors. Avoid loctite. You need to remove the props for safety, and to replace broken props. 

    Many people, including Jason Short use and recommend Great Planes Electrifly Prop Adaptor part GPMQ4962 Motor Shaft Collet (3.175mm, 5mm output shaft) See for photos and all the options/sizes. 

  • Hi. I don't know how much force you're using to screw it. That never happened to me except when tightning nuts by hand. You can use some lock thread liquid wich usually sells at DIY stores and I think you will have your problem solved. Search for Locktite brand.

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