Accelerometer output pins

I'm doing programming via the arduino IDE software. I've been trying to look for the accelerometer input pins just like the one from this video, at 0:39 (pins AO, A1 and A3) and I can't seem to find the pin numbers for the ardupilot since it is an onboard accelerometer.

thank you.

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  • Which versionof APM? All but te old APM1 use digital SPI signaling for accelerometers. I think even the APM1 does that too - the accelerometers are analog but an external SPI or I2C A/D converter is used. so, no Arduino analog pin number is used.
    You can however see tbe test sketches as examples how to use the HAL layer in Ardupilot for your own projects. It is as easy as Arduino. You need the special Ardupilot version of Arduino that supprts the HAL layer - see the developer guide.
    Regards, Søren
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