I am worried that the pwm values of each mode on channel 5 may be too close together.  This may be the cause of my hexa getting its knickers in a twist when changing modes.


The six values are 1081 - 1265 - 1490 - 1580 - 1690 - 1780


I don't want to blame the code it the fault is mine .....


Any comments please?

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  • Developer
    Your radio may be misconfigured so that you are too close to a threshold. Use the PWM test to see and adjust your radio's end points to change them.
  • Developer

    I don't understand your concern.  It is very unlikely that those values are too close.  The jitter on typical transmitters is only 1 or 2 microseconds.  We have been using that sort of spacing "since the beginning" without issue.

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