ACM Question

I know it's early, but please humor me (or let me know if there's a better forum) on an ACM question.


I've been monkeying with it for a few days now, and things LOOK really good.  


In the CLI test stabilize, I get proper North facing yaw, and motors respond to Tx input properly.


The motors test works as expected.


The mode switch works well.


It seems that it's always going into acro mode when I arm it, regardless of where the mode selector switch is (including stab, acro and FBW) I don't expect fbw to work, but none of the modes make a difference in the fast flashing green LED.


I've played with the DIP switches, everything I can think of.


Any ideas on what I'm overlooking?


Thank you!



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  • Developer

    You need to make sure AMP is facing forward and not 45° to the left like AC. Having it mounted more than 5° off can introduce a circular wobble.

    Also, you can change PIDs in the CLI if you look at setup.pde you will see the commands. It's pretty basic for now.

    setup:modes should give you the proper indication of the flight modes as you move the control swicth.

    Don't use FBW right now. It's getting an overhaul which is almost done. 

    Alt hold works properly, but I'm trying some new things which aren't tested to get better performance.

    Position hold is borked until I finish FBW mode.

    Good luck and I'm not responsible if you crash! ;)



  • Developer
    Are you talking about ArduCopterMega ? What rev you on ?
    As far as i know the green led will flash fast regardles to the mode...
    dose your quad force back if you, let say roll it to one side by stick controll ..?
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