Acro Mode

Hallo, which PID´s do I have to change to get a better Acro Mode.


Because at the moment my Copter is in Acromode very tipsy and it´s hard to fly, but I love this mode mor then the stab. Mode.

I also fly Acro mode on Multiwii, thats better to fly as stable???



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  • Ok now the Copter flies good in Acro mode for Roll an Pitch, but on yaw it always turns away after some time and I have to controll it with my stick, but if I do not hold the stick to the right it turns around after some seconds.

    Here are the logs:

    2011-10-12 06-47 2.kmz

    2011-10-12 06-47 2.log

  • Developer

    Rate_P and Rate_I are the ones to change. 


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