Acro mode wants to tilt forward


I'm experiencing a strange error with ACRO mode. It first showed up with 2.1 and now with 2.2.

Basically, whenever I switch to acro mode the hexa wants to tilt forwards and hold an angle. With 2.1 it was possible to level it with the pitch stick and it will hold (only tried a hand and indoor test, didn't try really flying it though). With 2.2 it always returns to this position. It holds this position quite well, but it is a wrong one.

Stabilize mode works more or less depending on how I screw up CG and PIDs, but this really got me worried.

In hand test, it reacts more violently to "nose up" than to "dive" - like the front engines were not reacting sufficiently.

It worked well with 2.0.49 and I think it even worked with 2.1 occasionally - I don't fly acro so I'm not sure.

Is acro mode influenced by accelerometer at all? Sure looks like it...

For the record, my PIDs are very low - 0.6 rate P's, 0.001 rate I's, I haven't touched acro PIDs yet.

Some obvious error I might be missing?


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  • BUMP

    Is this a known issue? Is nobody flying ACRO here?

    Also, there's some discussion about planned removal of ACRO (as stated by chris) from APM - is this true?

    I believe this is a must-have mode, at least as a fallback for some of more capable pilots. And also the basis for tuning (gyroscope only) gains/rates/PIDs.

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