Ad Hoc network of small video cameras?

Hi,I'm interested in setting up an ad hoc wireless network of cameras for an event. Some would be in rc airplanes and some would be on the ground. Ideally, I'd like to have each camera function as an ad hoc node on the network (i.e. propagate signals from other cameras). It looks like iDigi XBees have this kind of capability, but I'm not sure how to go from an analog camera signal to an XBee (or similar device).Is there a camera available that plugs directly into the XBee devices?Any advice would be great!Thanks,Jeff

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  • Thanks for the info!

  • XBee's only support a data rate of 80kbps. To put that in perspective, a single JPEG frame of 320x240 resolution is typically 8-10kbytes == approx 80kbits, so you might get 1 frame/second. You can get faster frame rates with higher bandwidth radios such as Wifi (802.11). We have connected the SRV-1 Blackfin cameras to XBee as well as Wifi.

    As regards converstion of the camera signal to digital format, you need a processor with a digitizer chip such as Philips SAA7113, or you need to interface that processor directly to a digital camera sensor.

    Note that you will have additional challenges in capturing and displaying the video frames that have been transmitted from the various cameras.
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