Adding a second telemetry ground module

Hi Folks,

I'm currently working on a UAV using the APM as our primary flight computer. The drone is primarily to be used for surveillance and target detection/identification, all of which we are performing on a windoze box at the ground station. Due to the highly interactive nature of the ID process we've developed, we've elected for a ground station setup which uses two operators and two separate computers: one responsible for target tracking and the other in control of the vehicle. This leads to our current dilemma: For target location, I need to be able to grab up-to-date aircraft state info (GPS, alt., body angles). I need this on the target tracking computer. For command and control of the aircraft, obviously I want to have the telemetry module attached to the CC computer. How can I satisfy both of these needs?

One possible solution I've come up with is attempting to link two ground modules to the same air module. In the documenation I remember something to the effect of establishing a channel or frequency division number in both radio modules to allow them to communicate. The specific question I'm asking is, if I set this number the same on the air module and two separate ground modules, will both ground modules be able to receive the signal? Or will the FHSS controller somehow detect interference/snooping and continue to jump channels? Keep in mind I'm only interested in read capability for one of them. 

I patiently await your responses. Thanks!


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