Adding extra functions to MinimOSD

I have started to add functions to MinimOsd code.

At first i did it for myself only. Added many functions i thought i need. Then opened this thread.

after a while, Pedro and later Miguel came, and things started to happen fast. :D

They have optimised the code and added even more things to it.

They have worked hard on CT, and it became a great tool!

Thank you Bough! :)

By now MinimOSD-Extra got a pretty advanced OSD.

Here it is in action:


- Changeable unit measurement (US, metric)

- Airspeed

- Home alt

- Battery Percent

- Battery used mah

- Current Draw

- Time From Startup (cleared at takeoff to show exact flight time)

- OSD Menu

- Variometer

- Wind horizontal speed and direction, and also the average wind speed of the last few minutes. 

- OSD on/off

- Switchable secound screen

- WP distance

- WP heading

- Crosstrack error

- Warning messages for Lost GPS fix, Stall, Overspeed, battery volt, battery Percent, RSSI

- Efficiency, glide distance & thermic notifier. 3 in one panel

- OSD Brightness

- HAM Call Sign

- After flight summary

- Trip distance

- Temperature

- Smoothened horizon

- Real heading


- Vertical speed

This functions can be turned on and off, and placed on different screens now, by the Config. tool.

Also RSSI, switching mode and channel and unit measurement, Stall speed warning, Overspeed warning, Battery warning volt, Battery percent warning, RSSI warning,  can be set in new Config Tool.

We built in a new way of setting video standards. Now OSD does not guessing anymore :). You can set it fixed from CT. It is in "Video Mode" menu.

Here is how it looks: (This video is a bit outdated, sorry. I will make a new one soon.)

The MinimOSD-Extra project is here: Link

This project is the developing version of the official Arducam OSD located here: Link

The latest stable version is: 2.2

The latest version can be downloaded from here: MinimOSD-Extra R800

Username: MinimOSD_Extra

Password: Top_Secret

CT is included. (The FW for Plane, Copter, Character upload and the character file is in the "FW & Char" directory inside CT directory)

We are sharing it to see videos you make using it! :)


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      • Yes we're moving to github.

        Gábor is working with 3DR guys on that move to 3DR gihub repo

        The move is taking some time as we have been very busy in our professional / personal lives :S


  • Sorry for typeos. I use my phone....
  • Hi Chris,

    It is displayed as it is rwceived.
    Averageing voltage can be dangerous, because you have no chance to find out about critical drops.

    So it is not a bug. It is a feature. ;)
    • To be honest, I worry RSSI a lot more and it's constantly fluctuating, which is normal. I set my battery low warning a little higher and don't pay much attention to it unless I get a warning.
      • Yes, RSSI is radio-related, and that changes very rapidly. But still, it's only for a few percentage points, like 5%. Battery voltage has a much narrower range (9 to 12.6 V for a 3S, extreme values) so a fluctuation of 0.5V is about 13.9%. If you only use 10.5 to 12.6V like I do on 3S it's 23.8%!


        But really, how much does your voltage reading fluctuate?

    • I like it the way it is. If you are flying where .5V makes a difference between crash or not, you are taking unnecessary chances.
      • I agree, however when you are flying for example fairly quickly you want to be able to see your battery level at a glance you dont really want to be taking more than a fraction of a second to look at it or it becomes distracting  i find. However on the flip side if its the low voltage you are worried about then the warnings tab does this just fine :)

        • Steven G, .5V will always make a difference. What do you consider a safe voltage to stop flying a 3S at? 11V? Ok, then you have to make a rule for yourself to stop flying when the voltage shows 11.5. Ok.

          But the reading being inconsistent, it may show 11.5 but the real voltage be 11.8. Isn't it a pitty to lose all that flight time?

          Robert, the warning tab is based on that reading, right? So when battery dips to 11.5 for a second, when it's really 11.8 or 12, the warning will go off. 

          I guess I just can't see a situation where sudden voltage drops will help you diagnose something and get out of trouble in time. I can imagine scenarios but they are all very highly unprobable to happen.

    • I understand... and I know what you mean, sudden drops will not register etc.

      But having the reading fluctuate 0.5V, even when the vehicle is on the ground, makes it very difficult (at least for me) to use it. I'd gladly give up the responsiveness to get a useful reading. I don't like doing math (gathering samples and averaging) while flying... I think most people would just want an easy, clear reading.

      I explained it in the issue too:

      It is very important (at least for me) to get a readable, easy to understand value when flying, without having to average out values in my mind. I believe this improvement will give a more "professional feel" to the OSD and consequently APM, as the stable readings give a feeling of reliability and dependability, at least for me.

      What do you think? Are sudden voltage drops so much of an issue? 
      What do others think?
      Cheers :)
  • Hello Gabor and all,
    I'd like to bring a new issue I've opened to your attention, because I have a feeling these issues don't get looked at.

    Have you ever felt that the voltage reading in MinimOSD is unstable? Even when landed. Mission Planner's reading is perfect, yet the OSD's can fluctuate quite a lot.

    So I think I know what is causing it, and all that's needed is a bit of averaging. I explain everything properly here:

    Let me know if anyone finds the unstable reading annoying.

This reply was deleted.


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