Additional pins

I've attached a 3G shield to the Hexacopter, but this shield requires a logic line to drive it high to turn it on and a logic low turns the shield off. From a physical standpoint, I'll worry about properly mounting it later.

I was thinking of using one of the pins from the A outputs down the side of the APM2.5, but not sure how to address them in the code.

On a Mega 2560, I can just look at the pin number (0 - 49) and set it to output using Arduino's core library (pinMode( 2, OUTPUT) to set pin 2 to output).

But I don't know how the "A" pins map to the APM2.5.

Appreciate any advice.

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  • I don't suppose you figured out how the pin addressing works did you?  I'm trying to use the the SoftwareSerial library and hunting down digital pin equivalents on the APM2.5. 

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