
  • Thanks very much. Because I read the wiki on the power set up and I know it is ok to use a SBEC when the jumper is removed but it recommends 5v and I was unsure if using the maximum of 5.5v was ok. So I should also disconnect it when I plug it into my USB the same as I should disconnect the battery from the power module too?
    • Admin


      As long as jumper J1 is removed it is safe to use a BEC with a 5.5vdc or higher output.

      Yes it is okay to leave the BEC connected to the APM when using the USB connection as long as jumper J1 has been removed.



  • Admin


    With the JP1 Jumper removed the APM's internal power bus is not connected to the SBEC power on the servo output power rails so a SBEC voltage of 5.5vdc will not affect the APM.



    • Still have not powered up my APM due to being unsure of connection/configuration for servo's/ receiver etc. If I have my battery plugged in one end of the standard APM power cable the SBEC connected via the main wires to the other end, the 5.5v cable from the SBEC to the side pins closest to JP1 jumper(removed), then my servo's connect with all three wires to the side length-side, my Futaba Rx then connects to the other end opposite the JP1 and 5.5v SBEC pins. Would I connect it to the SBUS port on my Futaba or just the standard 1,2,3,4....channels with only one positive connector the rest just ground and signal wires? I should add that two servo's are connected as one with a Y servo wire connector for the V-tail.


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