Adelaide Quadcopter Project

Hello folks,

We are developing a slightly over-engineered Quadcopter at the University of Adelaide using some embedded components we had lying around, a Gumstix, Mircrostrain IMU and an Arduino. The plan is to have higher level processing on-board for image capture,stitching, object-recognition etc. A Mark II frame is under construction with all carbon fibre using Beagleboard instead of Gumstix Verdex.

Please feel free to comment and contribute.

The controller has been written in nice and high level python. I hope we will have enough cycles in the 720MHz gumstix to get away with this.

I would also like some opinions relating to things such as driving the ESC's from GPIO pins as opposed to Arduino as we do currently and reliable z-sensing (GPS z is not highly reliable).



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  • Hi,

    I'm making a completely autonomous quadcopter as my B.E project.

    and i'd like to use this simulink model.

    However, it says to run a d_hover_bsc_new.m file before using the model

    but i couldn't find such a file in the Google codes.

    can anyone  please help me with that ???



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