Advice on Motors and/or Prop Swap

Hey, everyone. I'm super new to building and flying quads and would love some advice on a decision I have to make.I just finished building my first quad. It's a 3DR frame, APM 1, with 880kV motors and 12x45 props. I bought the slightly larger motors because the "normal" 850kV motors were out of stock and I was eager to get started. I also wanted some extra lift capability for the future.Unfortunately, one of the my motors works, but is fairly "sticky" and seems to deliver less thrust than the other motors. I've drilled out slightly larger motor holes and it seems like nothing I do relieves the extra resistance on the motor.I've tried flying a few times and it's been pretty tough and there definitely seems to be drift and some uneven take offs due to the one bad motor. I even flipped it once today :( I attribute a lot of that to my utterly amature pilot status, but I'm wondering if I should adapt my config to make the flying easier. I already have to replace at least one motor, and now I'm wondering if I should replace them all. Or maybe I should change the props?In short, my question is if folks think I should just replace the bad motor, or if I'll find the quad easier to manage with smaller motors, smaller props, or both. Any and all advice is much appreciated.

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  • Distributor

    Hello Nathan,


    I would drop down to the 10" props and stay with the 880Kv motors, you have not said how much your take off weight is, however I would not use 12" props unless I'm looking to lift over a 1.2Kg's. I would fit some 10"'s and see how you find it, I tell a lot of my customers to stick to 10" as the copters that weigh less seem to fly better with this size prop.





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