Advise needed for swarming

Hi Guys i need some advice.

I have a client that needs about 10 small multirotors to fly simultaneously for a product launch later in the year. is it possible 



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  • one simple solution I was thinking is to have multirotors as master-slave relationship. Master will be flying by waypoints and he will use a 2nd telemetry for "publishing" his actual position. The slave (another multirotor) will use the Follow-Me feature from MP and will follow the master at the distance defined. Adding a second telemetry for the slave will become the 2nd master for the 3th slave multirotor. And the chain could be extended.

    Theroretically, you fly only first multicopter and all the others will follow. You would need a linear path or circle, because there is not any avoidance on this setup.

    I am trying to do this setup with my quad follow my glider. Sure would work for 2 positions. Not yet tried.

    I believe you will need a MP for each multirotor and to tune the telemetry on each in order to avoid radio interference.

  • Developer
    Probably not. The video of drones doing formation flying on youtube all use an external camera doing motion capture as the sensing element. This is how the drones know where the others are to avoid collisions. AFAIU we don't have the onboard capabilities yet to detect multiple objects and other drones around and calculate avoidance routines. Or even just broadcast accurate enough position minformation from each drone in a swarm and send that to the others to calculate avoidance. GPS positioning is not accurate or fast enough for autonomous swarms.


    Somebody may prove me wrong, and I am sure clever people are working on this, we are just not there yet in an accessible package.
  • Moderator

    Simplest way would be to get 10 pilots and 10 DJI Phantoms.

    Otherwise you will be spending a chunk of money to get that right. It is possible though.

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