Aerial Photog for commercial purposes question

If this is the wrong forum area, I apologize. Where should this discussion be placed?

I am wondering what sort of prices the aerial photo companies are asking per picture or for services rendered? I'm needing this info for a business model.

Not sure where to find this.


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  • Hi Stephen,
    Doing the same in Europe and inside my geographical range the companies ask about €80/photo (108 american dollars) and they will shoot the photo when they are in the area. If the photo has to been taken on a certain date then the costs will rise (fast). These are all oblique photo''s, Vertical photo''s are more expensive.
    Grtz bart
  • Stephen,
    check our and - both have extensive information on aerial photography and lots of very professional and helpful guys there.

  • FAA regulations (unless it changes from state to state) say to go no higher than 400 ft. I may not be doing it commercially and maybe that might be the difference, but I didn't have any slack at all when talking to my FAA rep. ;) For me it pretty much came down to what I was using it for, how big is it?, and is there an airport 3 miles or less away, along with staying under the 400 ft. high mark. Other than that I was good to go. Maybe do a little research with the FAA and see what they may or may not allow you to do , or just give them an idea of what you would like to do and see if they can give you any advice.
  • I know when I recently got into all of this I was looking at satellite images and the companies were doing that for about $100-$150. But then end result was a very blury not very detailed image. This is when I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. Sure it costs more to create your own drone but the image quality is (or it should be) far better.
  • Here's one that's not affraid to put the prices out in the open:

    1 USD is about 18.5 CZK right now, so they're asking $430 to $540 for "1 object imaging or complex object from several directions". Tax not included :)
  • T3
    less than you think...I was told that an established aerial photography company wants between $175 to $250 a shoot. This includes cost of the aircraft, photographer and a number of images. The implication is that if this work is not on your door step there is very little margin.
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