Aeromapper X5

I have received my Aeromapper X5 yesterday, everything looks pretty promising. Unfortunately I cannot find any manual. Is there anybody out there who owns the same aircraft?

Thanks in advance.

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  • Hi Reto & Mauricio,

    I also bought an Aeromapper X5 through a friend of my in the US ( I live in Nigeria) mid last year. I've been unable to fly the X5 since I got it. Followed the setup & pre-flight procedures to the letter & I still couldn't. After much research, I foundout that my DragonLink Tx & Rx weren't binding & then more research followed & still no joy. I went to South Africa on vacation last month & then decided to replace the DragonLink Rx with a Spektrum AR9020 Rx since my X5 came with a Spektrum DX8 & binding supposedly sholdn't be a problem. Mauricio please kindly advice me on how to wire my Spektrum AR9020 Rx to the Ardupilot (I'm sure pictures will go a long way in helping me out for this connection). Thanks

    • Hi Wale,

      can you please send this email to


      We sent a new parameter file to users of this UAV, which truly offers solid performance and really eases the launches. Here is a video:

      • Mauricio,

        thanks. I will send this to that email immediately.

  • Although I get good support from Aeromao, I would appreciate to get in contact with other owners.

    Anybody out there?

  • Congrats!

    Just contact:

    Mauricio will help you, certainly.

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