Things seem to go well with my ESC Calibration on my Quadcopter with pixhawk. At the end of the calibration, before I disconnect battery again, I turn up throttle and all motors seem to start at same time and accelerate up nicely to full throttle and back, all seems in sync very well. Then once I'm out of calibration mode, after arming, they all start up nicely in sync and seem to go to half throttle nicely, but once i go past the half throttle one motor seems to drop out quite a bit but then as i continue to throttle up toward full throttle, it will come back in sync, but then the speed of the motors and the throttle doesn't seem to be in sync, for instance, once I'm below half throttle, it takes a long time for my motors to catch up with the deceleration to match my stick at the lowest throttle setting.
Any help is appreciated