Ag-Surveying Plane Set-up Help!

Just finishing build on a Volantex Ranger EX V-3 that will be used for agricultural - surveying. Would like to find someone in the Pacific Northwest interested in helping me get Mission Planner & ArduPlane set-up correctly.  I have MP 1.3.44 Build 1.1.6240 & ArduPlane V3.7.1

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  • Hi William,

    I only purchased the plane. Tell me a little more about the issues you are having with the red/black leads. Are they for the gimbal or related to plane's electrical? Also do you have voltage at those wires when plugged in? Mike

    William said:

    Hey Mike,
    I'm wondering if you purchased the PNP Volantex with Gimbal? Or just the plane?

    I'm having issue with the red/black leads inside the plane.

  • Hey Mike,
    I'm wondering if you purchased the PNP Volantex with Gimbal? Or just the plane?

    I'm having issue with the red/black leads inside the plane.

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