Aggresive Stabilize Mode

I have 3.1.4 loaded but my quad is very aggressive to user input in stabilize mode, but very stable. I have tuned with auto-tune. I have decrease Loiter P from 1 to 0.2. My Stabilize P = 7.8

The Pitch/Roll and Pitch/Roll IN follow very nicely.

My question is: How can I decrease the aggressiveness of the copter? Must I put EXPO on the radio or decrease Stab P?

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  • Yep I found this - yet it feels sluggish in loiter - right ?

    I countered by programming rates in the TX against the different flight modes - down to about 50% in Stab and upped it a bit in loiter to around 110%

    • Exactly, I have set expo to 50% in stabilize, but I don't know if this is the right way to go.

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