Agisoft Photoscan vs Pix4uav


I was wondering if anyone has any experience using the different types of image processing software.

I'm particularly interested in the creation of DEMs for terrain/surface mapping.

I've been looking at the options out there. Something I'm confused about is why Pix4uav is so expensive compared to AgiSoft Photoscan.

Pix4UAV is $21000 (15500 euro)

Agisoft Photoscan is $3499 (2600 euro)

Is it really worth the extra cost?

EDIT: Hello I should edit this now as the new Pix4DMapper is cheaper and they have montly and yearly rental options

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        • I'll second the motion for Global Mapper. I use it extensively for 3D work. It is the best out there for the money. As far as elevation data, Global Mapper has ArcGIS beaten hands down.

        • Everyone will have their own opinion as to what is best. I simply use what gives ME the best results. You may get the results you want with your process. But for me that won't work. I don't want to get into a contest of what is best and what is not. Just stating the capabilities of each.

  • I heard about another software, open source and free that gives fantastic results but needs a very powerfull computer.

    The guy that told me about use Agisoft Pro normally and made some compares with the open source software.

    Sorry but cannot remember the name of it.

  • Has anyone used ImageModeler? My understanding is that Autodesk partnered with Acute3D to include it as an add-on or installed feature in 3DS Max. If you've got a full AutoCAD license, you may not need to shell out for a stand-alone photo modeler.

    ImageModeler Link

    • We evaluated both about a year ago for processing data out of our manned aircraft. We found Agisoft to be the better package for us as it allows more user interaction in the triangulation process and DEM/DSM editing. The version of Pix4D we trailed only gave the operator a one click process for triangulation (this may have changed?). This is great if your data is good and everything works, but eventually you will get a data set where it doesn’t work and simply falls over. What do you do then?  This did happen to us with some trail Tetracam MCA6 flights where Pix4D could not get a solution and simply fell over. The rolling shutter in the MCA6 also caused Agisoft some problems but as we could edit out bad points we were able to get a solution after much fiddling. It wasn’t great but it was a solution. Newer versions of Agisoft are now better able to cope with rolling shutters, Pix4D may have done the same but I’m not sure.

      Pix4D does perform far better than Agisoft in mosaic department, however this was not a concern for us as we only use Agisoft for triangulation and DEM/DSM generation. We then use a third party package for creating the mosaics.  

      When you take the purchase price into consideration for us Agisoft was the winner

      My 0.02c

      • Could you tell me what kind of program you are using to generate the mosaic from Agisoft data.

        • Agisoft itself generates the mosaic.

          • Ok, but Salad Dodger says """Pix4D does perform far better than Agisoft in mosaic department, however this was not a concern for us as we only use Agisoft for triangulation and DEM/DSM generation. We then use a third party package for creating the mosaics. """" So that Agisoft generate the DEM and the mosaic with other third-party software. how this would be done???

            • Yes Agisoft does generate a mosaic but again the problem for us is that it is a mostly automated process and the operator has no control over cut line placement. We had a script written which allows each frame to be exported as an individual ortho from Agisoft. We can then take these into a professional mosaic package like Geomosaic from Photomod. There are also a number of other packages on the market with varying prices

  • All great information everyone--thanks!   We do have access to Pix4UAV but in terms of branching out to other products I was wondering what the performance cut might be to scale back 75% and go with Photoscan.  This definitely answers some of my questions.

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