Agriculture drone 100% autonumous

some time ago that a prototype of a 100% autonomic agricultural drone has finished, 
this one can in the middle of the mission replenish its base of both electric and liquid energy
and return to the last point to continue its work, here you can see some images

Obviously this is very improvable understand that this is a prototype. It would be great to do this
with a quadplane. all this has ripped me a question? because the diy community,
specifically Ardupilot, we are not able to compete with large drone companies, which in its
immense majority I think are nourished by ideas from the community ...
The prototype in question is formed by a pixhawk central plate, with a modified version of copter 3.6,
It has a bypass in the channels of: MODE / CH5, RTL / CH6, PITCH, ROLL. these four channels
are altered by a mega arduino(stm32 in te future) that has in turn connected several sensors ... a voltage sensor,
a level sensor, and an optional tower of cheap ultrasonic sensors to perform a homemade
obstacle avoidance routine .... (this point would be better to use a tetraranger or something much better,)
nothing new...
What I do find interesting is the concept of the base,
which allows simultaneous electricity and liquid loads without moving parts and
with admission of error (x, y) in the landing on the base. the base is very,
very improvable in all aspects obiamente ... with a small variation in the system
it can be seen that this drone lands in different bases spread across the field depending on its proximity
to these but the prototype represents the idea in some way.
I do not know what they think, I think it's something that can work well in an agricultural market ... :)
and I honestly believe that I could make a final large scale product for less than $ 5500 for the
consumer. That's why I insist finally,
I do not think it's impossible to democratize and continue to improve the drone market.

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