Airspeed Sensor



I had a couple of questions regarding the airspeed sensor


1) What equations are used to actually calculate the airspeed? It must have to do with both the dynamic pressure and the density


2) where is the density coming from? how is it calculated?


3) Is there a way to log all the variables that are used to calculate the airspeed so i can do some hand calculations if i need to?


4) What types of variables are used with the airspeed?  I saw in a forum that airspeed is not very useful in this system other then telemetry reasons.  Is this true?


5) what is the best way to calibrate the sensor, if at all?


Thanks very much for any replies,



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  • Distributor

    Hello Kelly,


    There is information here on the air speed sensor. There is some code, which is used to gain the correct air speed, which is coded in to the config.h file, which can be found here under the airspeed heading. This figure can be adjusted so when you compare it to the GCS GPS speed you can get the air speed spot on! 

    I hope that helps get you under way.





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