All works exept "guided" mode


As a start i can say i have read alot through the forum and not found the answer, not even BretC´s thread about the exact same problem helped me. As topic says my system, a FPVRaptor airplane with a apm2.5system (v2.68) works great in the modes i tested, Manual, stabilize, loiter and RTL, i am not intrested in the other exept for guided so i have not tried them.

My problem is that in Guided the plane just makes a RTL and start circle over the launch place, exactly as it did for BretC where the problem was that his missions not was resetted. I have tried to restart the mission from both the ground station and the assigned channel but that not helps. If i open the status window in the mission planer and checks data during flight i can se that the "wpno" parameter if i resett the mission from the radio it sets to "0" and if i resetts the mission from the groundstation it sets to "1", i have also tried to force the mission to go directly to waypoint 2 from the groundstation but the plane what i do does a RTL :-(

Anybody that can give me a clue what can be wrong, I have a video from my last test and a file with the logs from missionplaner, logs from the apm, waypoints and my system parameters if it helps. The version of osd software i use i think hides the waypointpanel when it asumes the mission is not ready thats why the panel is on sometimes and of sometimes. Also as i have to little channels i have assigned "mission" restart" to the same chanel as i switch osd panels so osd -off also is resett mission, thats why i sometimes flicker with the osd panel.



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  • Developer

    I tired the download the logs, but it won't let me.Can you attach them as tlog files or zip (not sure why i cannot download rar, but there you go!)

    What's the values of FS_GCS_ENABL and FS_LONG and FS_SHORT? (long shot, cannot really tell without the logs :( )


  • I got an explanation from Gábor who writes the osd software about when the waypoint panel is visible:

    "The navigation panel only comes up when there is an active waypoint. Also importent that APM is only sending out navigational data, when in auto mode. You can see on the video that crosstrack stops when you are in other modes. Once osd received navigational data from APM it will remember the last one."

    So that must mean that if i resets the mission from my radio (setting channel 7 to over 1750ms) the system thinks that i not have any active waypoints. But it have that if i resett the misson from the groundstation.


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