Alt Hold Crash - v2.3

Hey everyone, had a real weird thing happen to me while testing alt hold today. I have included logs and video. Around 85% in the tlog I switch to alt hold, all is well until 95% in the tlog where my the quadcopter just starts rotating unexplainably losing its heading and at this point I lose control and crash. I should have switched to simple mode but it happened so quick I just tried to bring it down the best I could.

I have 850Kv motors and stock 3dr frame, quad runs well in stability mode.

The video starts when I switch into Alt Hold mode, I was controlling using the right stick, no input on left stick at all.

Any reason for the quad to just rotate like that? Any help greatly appreciated...

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  • If your taking off and landing in snow small bits off snow blow up and get into the ESC's where it melts and causes problems, just something to check. Maybe let it dry out good and test indoors or T/O from a platform.

  • Same thing happened again today in stabilize mode. I think I may have found the problem. My compass in Mission Planner does not correctly reflect my heading. Pointing North it shows correctly at 0, pointing East it shows 145, pointing South it shows 245, pointing West it shows 305.

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