Alt_Hold off and it falls from the sky!


Alt_Hold with the EZ0 worked really well right up until the point where I turned it back to Stabilize mode where all rotors stopped rotating and my Hexcopter fell to the ground...

For some reason the telemetry log seems to stop playing and freezes where time continues and nothing happens from around that point.. Anyone else had this happen??


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  • I've got a power distribution board, the Ottopilot is soldered with tin wire=
    both sides directly to the board and the battery wires directly to that.. I=
    t's pretty solid, only 20 years of soldering under my belt :)

    The log file seems to be non-existent from a few seconds before which I thin=
    k was a range issue now looking over it as I put some tress between the airc=
    raft and GS.

    I'll try it again tomorrow and see what happens...

    By the way, which flight mode holds position and altitude but let's you move the aircraft with the receiver then keeps the next position?
  • Could you post the *.log file?

    My comment was based your initial analysis of the *.tlog... flat line data = no data = no power.

    I always have to ask about connections. After 35 years of soldering, even I have them bad at times. That is why I would prefer a good high-power mechanical crimp for the hobby market.

  • Developer

    Where was the throttle when this happened? If it were high you could have browned out as the motors got spiked. If it were low you could have shut the motors off and fell. I always remember the hover point on the throttle and recenter the stick on that point when returning to Stabilize.


  • Sounds like a total power loss.

    If the power was back 'on' after the impact, I would inspect all power connections from the battery to all related components.


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