Alt Hold problems

I've was very happy with the lateste ACM code concerning AH.

Untill I switched to v48.

In AH mode the motors start pulsing alot and suddenly go up to a certain height, I think the border height between sonar and baro. When reached it starts descending fast, sometimes hitting the ground.

I reloaded the code several times and always performing a reset. Results were the same.

This morning I reverted to v43 because I knew that it work perfect.

I did the test and ..... damn, the same behaviour :-(

So I think I hit a HW problem. But which on???

I also CLI tested baro and sonar and all give postive results.

When I look at the logs I see that the sonar sometimes give a negative peak.This could be the pulsing motors.

Any suggestions?????



2011-10-16 10-08 23.log

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