Hello everyone !

Im a complete newbie both on drones and to this forum, or at least to more advanced drones. ( Have been flying DJI Phantom for a couple of months)

After a couple of months flying DJI Phantom I decided that a wanted a bigger drone for myself, so after some investigation a decided to go for a 3DR X8+ . Now I have done about 5 flights with this product and tried a every function a little , there is one thing which I don't like at all and it's the following :

When in loiter mode if I go slowly in any direction it's holds latitude perfect but if I go over say 40% och the stick travel it descents more and more the longer I go ? Haven't dared to go further then like 30-50 meters. Then if I go full stick for more then 5 meters in any direction it does a big dip of maybe 2-3 meters in altitude when it "brakes" and slowly picks up the altitude after it has stabilized again. I don't see this very amusing , have anyone had the same issues or knows how this can be adjusted using Mission Planer ?

Thank you .

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    • checking the prop balance would be a good start, but the vibes looked different to vibes. Like something is loose or rattling intermittently. I will try and look at your new logs.

  • Posting a dataflash log file of the flight will help diagnose it. One of the benefits over DJI :)

    • I will try to do a flight were I only fly in loiter mode to make it simpler to analyze. There is only one problem right now... SNOW and a lot of it poring down ..

      • If you have the log from the flight in question it would probably get things going. If not It would be helpful for the next flight to make sure the attitude is logged and that the RCout are logged. Setting logging to near all should do it.

        • I looked around and found the log from my last flight , I didn't use loiter mode much in this flight but if someone could check it i'l be glad .

          • https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dswxv8redn5lvua/AABnaYRMuVrz4dKXh08oKR6X...

            Shared with Dropbox
            • Do you have dataflash logs rather than telemetry logs? Ths ones recorded on the flight controller.

              I find them much easier to diagnose.

              • Ok, what file extensions does those files have ?

                • .bin or .log depending how they are downloaded and from what flight controller.

                  If its a pixhawk they should be on the micro sd card. Or use mission planner to down load them using mavlink. If its APM you will need to use mission planner.

                  • I can't see anything really obvious, your z accel has some large accelerations and seems generally noisy. I would check for vibrations, is the flight controller mounted properly and nothing hitting it etc. check everything is mounted tightly.

                    These vibrations seem to be making their way to the motor outputs which are jumping up and down hard or visa versa. During alt hold climb it seems to wack between high motor demand and low motor demand, rather than being smooth.

                    There a quite a few error flight mode 15, not sure what that means.

                    RCout at hover look like it has plenty in reserve, but it all seems rather skittish.

                    It doesn't look as it should

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