Amazing maiden flight.

I have to comment as I am mighty impressed with the APM 1 and the superb software that runs it.I used the Xaircraft 650 value quad frame,Ardupilot Mega 2560,850Kv motors & ESC's a la Arducopter.Prior to maiden flight,this buffoon connected ESC's incorrectly causing quad to perform like demented, extremely obese pigeon.
Once corrected, without any twiddling with PID's whatsoever it flew as steady as you like apart from a smidge of yaw drift to port.I was utterly gobsmacked!Immense kudos to the software team and all associates.

Many thanks to all involved,  Mike P.

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  • Congrats Mike, I experienced the same thing a few days ago.  I have a 710 with all stock  PIDs, first quad and I couldn't believe how stable my maiden was.  Last night I was flying with my lights and a bunch of people were saying "what the heck it that?"  Really great community here and great support.  

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