AMP 2.6 (AC3.0.1) will not ARM


after trying for hours i need your help.

I set up a quad copter on an H shaped frame with a new Ardupilot Mega 2.6 and external GPS

The Mission Planer connects fine and I did all the setup and calibrations.

I Firmware installed 3.0.1 Quad, selected H Shape, Calibrated ESCs, Compass, Accs and Receiver.

Flight Modes are set to switch between Acro and Stable.

Pre-Arm-Check is enabled (Double blinking red when i disconnect GPS.).

When everything is connected Pre-Arm-Check seems to go through: I have a solid blue LED and a single binking red LED one.

Now I want to arm the copter by Throttle-Down-Rudder-Right but nothing happens. No Beep, not blink, no message, nothing.

What am I missing here?

I already inverted some channels. My TX-RX are in Mode 2 and show nicely in the Mission Planer with PWMs between 1110 and 1920 or so.

Also I did some of the CLI tests. All looks god sofar.

I would be very greatfull if anyone could point me in the right direction.



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  • The HUD in Mission Planner should tell you where the arming process is failing.

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